TimeLine EDL Format Addendum 1.0
To support Version 3.0 of the MX-2424, some additions have been made to the
OpenTL specification. With the way OpenTL rules are defined, and its parser
implemented, older parsers / implementations should have no problem
automatically dicarding the unknown attributes and continuing on with a good
read. The additions described in this section only affect the project file.
1) New Project Simple property attribute: Tape Mode State
TPMD Tape Mode State Integer (0 = Off, 1 = On)
example: TPMD(1) -- TapeMode State requested to be on
2) New Project complex value attribute: Virtual Track Table
This new attribute must optionally be placed before the TrackList
(TKLS) in the project file. Track indexes used by the virtual tracks
are always larger than the highest track supported by the generating
device. A new range of indexes is defined by the Virtual track table
to represent tracks that are editable, but not playable. Therefore,
this should not affect any prior compatibility. Previuos versions of
OpenTL implementations from Tascam represented virtual tracks by using
track indexes greater than or equal to 8192. Those virtual tracks will
remain virtual and non-editable (unless first explicitly loaded to
another slot). The table itself defines what index to start interpreting
tracks as virtual and editable, and the number of supported virtual
tracks (i.e. the max number of virtual tracks supported by the creator
of the OpenTL file). This defines the exact range of track indexes to be
treated as virtual and editable. For OpenTL files generated from Tascam
products, the start index for the first virtual track index will be set to
64, regardless of how many tracks that a given machine actually supports
for playback. That means for an MMR-8, indexes 8 through 63 will not be
used; for an MX-2424, indexes 24 through 63 will not be used. This may
change in the future, but not in the near future (only when a product that
records and plays more than 64 tracks is developed).
<VirtualTrackTable> = 'VTTB' '{' <VTableProp>+ '}'
<VTableProp> = ( <VirtualTrackStartIndex> | <NumVirtualTracks> | <GroupTable> )
<VirtualTrackStartIndex> = 'VTSI' '(' Integer ')'
<NumVirtualTracks> = 'VNUM' '(' Integer ')'
<GroupTable> = 'VTGR' '{' <GroupTableProps> '}'
<GroupTableProps> = <VirtualGroupNum> <CollapsedGroup> <TrackIndex>*