This illustration shows a typical installation for the Model 1751 Tapmaster. The
valve blocks are connected in-line on the hot and cold water supplies with 3/8” O.D.
compression fittings. The pilot/actuator valve is mounted about knee height on the
inside wall of the cabinet opposite the door hinge. The kick plate is mounted on
the cabinet toe kick. The control tubing is routed through the cabinet base to the
hot and cold water supplies to make the connections to the valve blocks.
The Model 1751 comes with two valve blocks attached to a pilot/actuator valve and
a kick plate. This model is generally used on cabinets that require control from the
cabinet door and the toe kick. Installations will vary according to the design of the
cabinet, type of faucet and plumbing hardware. In some cases it may be simpler to
connect the valve blocks at some convenient mid-point along the 3/8" supply
tubing. In this case it will be necessary to obtain a 3/8" x 3/8" compression
(available at most hardware stores)
to connect the inlet fitting into the
water lines. Other plumbing arrangements may be encountered where larger than
3/8" O.D. tube sizes are used. In these situations reducing adapters
(available at
most hardware stores)
must be obtained to permit installation of the Tapmaster.
Although the Tapmaster will work with virtually any faucet, faucets with handles
that give a visual reference for flow and temperature are recommended. Cabinet
doors will vary in design and construction. Doors with spring loaded hinges are
recommended, however mechanical and magnetic latches will work equally well as
long as there is some play in the mechanism to accommodate the 1/32” stroke of the pilot/actuator valve. Cabinet
toe kicks will also vary in design and construction. They should allow free access to the kick pedal, particularly the
upper angled face to facilitate the latching of the “continuous on” feature. Toe kicks of less than 4” in height are
not recommended.
To operate the Tapmaster simply — (a) press your knee or leg against the cabinet door or (b) press the foot lightly
against the kick plate and then set the faucet open to the desired flow and temperature. Once the faucet has been
adjusted it should be left open.
To operate the kick plate in
momentary mode
, simply press the foot lightly against the kick plate and open the
faucet to the desired flow and temperature. By releasing the kick plate, the Tapmaster shuts off the water flow to
the faucet.
continuous mode
, press down in the middle of the kick plate angled face until it “latches”. This will provide
continuous flow to the faucet until the kick plate is tapped again to unlatch. The latching feature allows the
operator to manually use the faucet for such things as filling the sink, etc. It is not recommended for repeated on/
off operation. This feature has been intentionally designed to require a deliberate thoughtful motion on the part of
the operator to prevent latching inadvertently. As in other pedal operated devices, all operators should allow
themselves some time to get accustomed to the position and “feel” of this kick plate.
The Tapmaster does not alter the appearance of the faucet, therefore
removable decals
are provided which may be
located on any hard smooth surface near the faucet except drywall to alert people to its method of operation.
U.S. 5,505,227, 6,254,057, 6,382,585
Canadian 2,109,684
European 0654628
International & Other Patents Pending
N O T I C E & W A R N I N G T O I N S T A L L E R
**WARNING: Water lines MUST be flushed prior to installation**
Neither Tapmaster Incorporated nor its distributors will be held responsible for any repairs associated with improper installation.
The plastic control tube bundles connecting the valves are pressurized with water after installation. Take care not to kink or damage the control
tubes or tube fittings when installing the valves. It is assumed the person who intends to install the
Tapmaster Hands Free Faucet Controller
a basic working knowledge of tools and plumbing. Tapmaster Incorporated will not assume any responsibility or liability for damages resulting
from the improper installation of this product. It is recommended that a plumber or other person skilled in the art be consulted if you are unsure
of the proper procedure to install the Tapmaster.