1 5 6
1 5 6
1 5 6
1 5 6
J1 J2
J1 J2
J1 J2
J1 J2
Turnstile1 Turnstile2 Turnstile3
…………………… Turnstile n
Fire contact
from alarm
Panel (NC)
As the emergency input is the NC contact input, J2 pins are equipped with a short circuit
jumper. If the emergency input is to be used, the J2 jumper must be removed and replaced with
the emergency contact from the alarm panel. As long as the emergency input is active, the
turnstile rotates freely in both directions. When an emergency signal is received in drop arm
turnstiles, the arm in the middle position drops and allows passing. When the emergency state is
passive again, the dropped arm must be lifted manually.
5.4.2 Alarm cable group turnstile connection
The emergency contact from the alarm panel (Normally closed - NC) must be connected to
the first turnstile in a group of turnstiles. The other turnstiles must have a 2x0.50mm alarm cable
connecting one with another in sequence. An emergency connection can be made with a single
contact by grouping as many turnstiles as desired. The J2 jumpers on the control card of the
turnstiles to have emergency connection must be removed.
Normally closed (NC) contact is required from the alarm panel in the following
connection. As shown in the diagram, the J1 jumper is installed on the control board in the first
turnstile with alarm cable, while it is not installed on other turnstiles. If installed, it must be
definitely removed. (Figure 5.7)
Pin 6 (GND) of terminal XLS of turntables are connected to each other, and the pin 5
emergency inputs are connected to each other. Finally, the emergency contact from the alarm
panel is connected to pin 1 (+ 24VDC) and pin 5 of terminal XL5.
Figure 5.7 Alarm cable connection diagram
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