Cat. No. 21-1702
Please read before using this equipment.
40-Channel Mini Mobile CB Radio
21-1702a.fm Page 1 Thursday, August 26, 1999 4:59 PM
Your RadioShack TRC-502 40-Channel
Mini Mobile CB Radio is a great way to
communicate with other CB radio opera-
tors. Because of its convenient compact
size, you can use it just about anywhere.
You can mount it in a vehicle for mobile
use, or in your home or office for use as
a base station.
Your CB has these advanced features.
Up/Down Channel Selector — lets you
easily select a channel with the press of
a button.
TX (Transmit) Indicator — lights to
show when the CB is transmitting.
Automatic Noise Limiter (ANL) Circuit
— reduces impulse-type noise during
5-Pin Din Mic Connector — uses five
prongs to reinforce a clear connection
between the mic and the receiver.
Full Legal Power — gives you the full
range of CB channels with the maximum
allowed transmit power.
Adjustable Squelch — helps to elimi-
nate noise between transmissions.
Automatic Modulation — prevents the
transmitter signal from over-modulating
and distorting.
(PLL) Frequency Synthesizer — pro-
vides highly accurate and stable tuning.
Crystal-Controlled Digital Tuning —
provides precise transmission tuning ca-
pability when selecting a channel.
Two Ceramic Filters — provide superi-
or channel selectivity and prevent adja-
cent channel interference.
Universal Mounting Bracket — lets
you mount your CB securely in your ve-
hicle, or on a table or shelf in your home
or office.
External Antenna Jack — lets you at-
tach an optional antenna to your CB ra-
dio for increased range.
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21-1702a.fm Page 2 Thursday, August 26, 1999 4:59 PM