M e n u f u n c t i o n s
Status message with a time stamp
The radio can be configured to include a time stamp in a sent status
message. By default this feature is set to OFF.
The time stamp shows the time when the message was sent. If the
radio is in network mode but not within the network coverage area
when you send the status message, the message is saved in the
folder and
is displayed. There
is a buffer for five time stamp status messages. If the buffer is full
when you try to send a new status message,
is displayed. The messages in the
sent, beginning with the oldest message, when the radio re-enters
the network coverage area. Only the status message receive time is
shown to the recipient, unless there is a significant difference
between the send- and receive times (in which case both send- and
receive times are shown).
Read status messages
When you receive a status message, the message and
displayed in the idle mode. The type of the message is identified with
(status addressed to an individual),
(status addressed to a talk group),
To confirm that you have read the message, press
received another status message,
displayed. To read the message, press
. To read the message
later, press
After you have pressed
, the message is moved to the
Read status messages in the Received folder
1. Select
2. Select
to view received messages. For callback
messages, the sender’s name or number is shown instead of the
message. The messages are identified with the following
THR880i_Rel6_en_print.book Page 83 Jeudi, 20. novembre 2008 2:13 14