Tamson Instruments bv
Van ’t Hoffstraat 12
2665 JL Bleiswijk, The Netherlands
T. 31 (0) 10 522 43 73
E20 Thermometer man.docx Rev. 3.03 UK 0319
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.tamson.com
VAT: NL 80 66 34 984 B01
Bank account no.:
NL28 INGB 0007 350 370
NL95 RABO 0160100046
Chamber of commerce 27 16 95 41
ISO 9001 : 2015
NL/PRO 238239125
8.4 Protocol
'Byte 1 Synchronisation, decimal 84 (this is a fixed
'Byte 2 Length of package, 7..255.
Each package needs a minimum of 6 bytes
These 6 bytes are the so called overhead:
A package is formed by these six bytes plus
additional data.
'Byte 3 Command
bit 0
0 = data read
1 = data write
bit 1 and 2
00 = not used
01 = Location is SRAM
10 = Location is FLASH
11 = Location is external EEPROM
'bit 3
0 = No extra routine
1 = Set Real Time Clock
'Byte 4 Address high byte
'Byte 5 Address low byte
'Byte 6 Data, the actual information - 1 to 248 bytes
'Byte 7 Checksum, all data is added, last two hex are used.
I.e. a value of &h 30D returns 0D as checksum.
8.5 Send and receive
In order to receive the actual temperature from the E20
thermometer following hex code must be send to the
54 0A 02 01 77 00 00 00 00
(The red value "D9" is the checksum)
Now assume the thermometer reads 25.147°C, than the
response from the thermometer will be:
54 0A 02 01 77
63 2D C9 41
the checksum
the temperature indicated in hexadecimal
Please note that the LSB is send first whilst the MSB is last.
So the data must be swapped:
41 C9 2D 63