Tamson Instruments bv
Van ’t Hoffstraat 12
2665 JL Bleiswijk, The Netherlands
T. 31 (0) 10 522 43 73
E20 Thermometer man.docx Rev. 3.03 UK 0319
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.tamson.com
VAT: NL 80 66 34 984 B01
Bank account no.:
NL28 INGB 0007 350 370
NL95 RABO 0160100046
Chamber of commerce 27 16 95 41
ISO 9001 : 2015
NL/PRO 238239125
Make sure before installing or operating the equipment to read and understand all instructions and safety
precautions listed in this manual. If there are any questions concerning the operation of the equipment or about
the information given in this manual please contact your local dealer or our sales department first.
Performance of installation, operation, or maintenance other than those described in this manual may result in a
hazardous situation and may void the manufacturer's warranty.
Never operate equipment that is not correctly installed. Unqualified personnel must not operate the equipment.
Avoid damage to the equipment, or its accessories, caused by incorrect operation.
When performing service, maintenance or moving the apparatus, always disconnect the apparatus at the
main's socket,
Proper skilled and trained personnel are only allowed to operate this equipment,
Take notice of warning labels and never remove them,
Refer service and repairs to qualified technician,
If a problem persists, call your supplier or Tamson Instruments b.v.
Tamson Instruments b.v. warrants that all their manufactured equipment is free from defects in material and
workmanship, preventing the device from normal operation. Tamson Instruments b.v does not warranty that the
equipment is fit for any other use than stated in this manual. The manufacturer can only be held responsible for
the security, reliability and performance of the equipment, when operated in accordance with the operating
instructions, extensions, adjustments, changes and/or if repair is performed by Tamson Instruments b.v. or
authorized persons only. This warranty is limited to one year from the date of invoicing. All equipment and
materials are subject to standard production tolerances and variations.
For relevant measurements always an independent reference measurement is needed. Tamson can not be held
responsible for misinterpretation or consequences of an erroneous reading