Page 1: ...ansibly dis pos of th6 leftov r parts imm diatoly t t 1 Jr v t I 7 X JJ W t Cutoff usinq scissors oramodetins knife 4 f fr Preparing body for painting j ih lt iftL it L L l r Wash ihe body thoroughly...
Page 2: ...L EliEBd El blt Aat L fLli Paint body lrom inside using paintsror polyca onate Paint dad er color fi t Whsn painting with spray applythin layer ol spray paint 2 3 times keePing 30cm dislance trom bod...
Page 3: in numbered order to prevent confusion e Slightly peel away one end of the lining and position the sticker on the body Slowly remove the remaining lining while checking sticker position Do not comp...
Page 4: ...ww fert cont AFTER MARKET SERVICE CARD When purchasing replacement parts please take or send this form to vour local Tamiya clealer so lhat th parts reqsired can be corectly idettilied Please note rha...