TALEX Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
Spółka komandytowa
ul. Dworcowa 9c
77-141 Borzytuchom
tel. (59) 821 13 40
4. Transport
The machine leaves the factory fully assembled and does not
require any packaging for the transport. Only the accompanying
documents, e.g. this manual, should be properly packaged to
prevent damage in the transport. The tractor mounted machine
can be transported only by a person qualified to drive a tractor
who is familiarized with and follows the provisions included in this
operating manual. Such transport can only be carried out by the
sufficient visibility and with respect to the Highway Code. The driving speed should be
adjusted to the current road condition. It is recommend not to exceed 20 km/h at any time
whilst driving a tractor with a mounted machine. To prepare the tractor mounted machine
for travelling on public roads, the rake should be first lowered to the ground and then folded
into transport position (see also paragraph 9.2 -9.3). To stop the rotor in place, the end of
one of the folding arms should be inserted in a locking socket located on the frame near the
rotor and secured from falling out by means of a pin. All folded up arms should be locked
with a pin in their folded position. Some countries may require protective sleeves for the
tines in the folded position when in transport. With the arms folded and secured the
machine can be lifted up on a tractor linkage to allow for sufficient ground clearance whilst
in motion. During stops the machine should be lowered onto the ground. The rake and the
tractor should be equipped in a set of road lights and warning boards appropriate to comply
with traffic regulations in your country. In transit by road on a haulage vehicle it is
imperative that the machine is immobilized and strapped down properly in a fixed position.
The Health and Safety rules regards transhipment operations and common sense must be
adhered to during loading and unloading operations. The lifting slings can be attached only
at lifting points located on the machine. Those places are marked on the machine with
decals showing a hook. Before lifting, make sure that the lifting sling is in good condition and
adequate for the weight of the hay rake. Check if it is attached properly e.g. it is not
entangled in protruding parts of the machine, kinked or twisted. If so, correct the layout of
the sling. Before hoisting up the hay rake, the crop deflector with tarpaulin should be
dismantled off the machine and the rotor, arms and tines should be immobilised (see
procedure described above). Only adequately qualified personnel can operate hoisting
machinery and equipment. Whilst hoisting up the machine, make sure that no one stays in
danger zone. Take into account risk which can cause serious injuries to anyone standing
nearby such as e.g. sling failure or its sudden, unexpected movement; possible loss of
stability of the load or hoisting machinery; the load slipping or falling off etc. During haulage
the driver is obliged to exercise special care and adhere to the Highway Code at all times.