Page 3: ...ture _ 102mm Focal Lenglh 816mm Focal Ratio 1 8 0 Focal Lenglh wtth reducer 610mm Focal RaIla wilh reducer _ I 6 0 AesovlngPower 1 14w Limiting Magnitude 12 0 Light Gathering Power 212X Image Circle with 35Flallerlflr til 40mm Photogr phic Id with 35Flattener 2 S Im ge Circle with Reducer dJ 50mm Pholographic Field with Reducer 4 7 Diameter of M in Tube 114mm Total Length of M ln Tube 890mm When I...
Page 4: ...nob _ Iinc 711 25 ____ Findo Brocket j Drnt lock Kob Ocul r Adopter 50 B 2 l Tube Assembly Layout II II I TSA l02S 0 Shi ld Cove leo Shield ___ Dn Shlold Loel Ser LOllI Sh8ClI Rilll AI 1M Ocul AdIPtor 31 Fig 1 ...
Page 5: ...rite llpochrom81 The TSA has been de igned 10 ill lltging ap plication using 1I ceo OSLR cameral when used with the TOA reducer and 35 Flanener The 35 Flllnener produces 10 mk ron mrs laota 35mm photographic field while the reducer P4 oduees nit field with 10 micron Spot 0 loy photol 10 118r in the middle _ The TSA 102 lIthe first in 1I series of com PIlCI Colof Ifea light wieghlllpochrOffilltic r...
Page 6: ... 0 e finde bracket using standi rd cellopha e tape place a double layer of this tape around the Fig 3 finder where the three set screws located AIIen wrencn in the front of the finder bracket wll com Tube holder con ae with the finder This wTl help pre i to rC pBo vent the mder tube from eing schra ched by the screws Loos en the f om and rear finder bracket screws Loosen the front and rear finder ...
Page 7: ...e irll IIep is to clamp the R A and unclamp the Dec Hold the tube 01 the tele scope in the event It is oot of balance Then loosen the tube clamp slightly so that the tube can be moved in either direction Move the tuba In either direction until it balances When the tube is balanced tighten the clamp Nexl loosen the R A clamp and tlghtllflthe Dec clamp Unclamp the counter weightlll and slide them in...
Page 8: ...lar rrng by tuming it clockwise Connection the System Parts The adapters and the rings ere provided 00 the visual back to connect various system parts Carefully study the ystem chert in this book before connecting any system parts Connectioo of the incorrect parts may prevent the telelcope from coming to I sharp focUI Of any focus at all Refer to the Fig 8 for e lIandard connection ll 1U 1 0 ee Ri...
Page 9: ...r ma gi g Focus r Clamp Focuser Remove he lens shade cover and the alu min plug from the 31 7 m compression ri 9 ada pet I se he diagonal i to e compression ing adapter Carefully ig h en the co pression ring until it begins to rna e contact wi h the barre o f dIagonal It sot nec essary 0 overtighten the ringl to hold e diagonal Then insert the ocular in 0 th e com pres sion ri 9 of t e diagonal re...
Page 10: ... Ihe lelescoep be in alignment The follow ing procedure can be used to align the finder Alignment Procedure 1 Plllce II low power eyepiece in the tele 1COpe lind center a bfight tar in a con venient part of the sky 00 not forget to engage Ile motor drive to keep the Il8r centered If this procedure il done in day light use an object that II lit lellst one mile i1wilY Loosen the lock nuts on the fin...
Page 11: dl If an illuminator will be installed move the elP ecrew the end of the finder and instllN the rebCle illuminator The illumina 10 mak the centering of dim obj cts elSiet In order to Ium Ihe iIIuminetor on turn the knob clockwill Th knob will click when the illumInator turns on As the knob is turned the r licle wi brighten Adjust the knob to the delH ed brightness Turn the knob countef dockwlH ...
Page 12: ...r begi ners and advanced amateur astronomers as well The entire Moon Gan be viewed at about 50X but on cle r night near full Moon it is best to use a 58 glreel1 3N5 0 va jab le palar zingl filter to view he ef ire dis Using higher mag iflcartfon on the Moon is any phase 0 ee detail will al ow t e ob serve to see smaller and smaller detal ay structures and rilles For this type of ob servation he fi...
Page 13: ...ges the TCA 4 is designed to make eye piece projection images easier The TCA 4 will accept any Takahashi LE 31 7 1 11 ocular and variable ea ure sli ing tube gives the imager la itude in de ermining he size of he Inal image It is important hat high magnification im ages of the 00 and lanats require good seeing The method for determining the qu lity of seeing on a scale of 1 to 10 wi h 10 being per...
Page 14: ...s is noted on the diagram The 31 7 prism diagonal will require the fo euser 10 be racked out fUrlhe FIt 16 311_ Fi IS 2X Barlow lens This Barlow lens was originally d81iigned for the FS Series and it can be used lor the 1SA fOfvisual use This short BarloW can be used with the 11 4 diagonal or 2 mirror diego MI am 3110 AdoQt 0 so En T OO Fit _ 17 14 ...
Page 15: ...e hokle Rele to FIg 18 19 J 10 Fie 18 Twin Viewer Binocular Viewer Tl e Twin Vlewer is a 45 b1noc ul viewer The two compression ring ocular adapters insure thaI me optical axes are all coinci dental for the best possible The buih in 2x barlow lens and lE oculars will provide ex cellent views ollhe Moon and planelS and when Ihe ba low is moved wide field views of deep space objeClS Fie 19 15 ...
Page 16: ... fillld wilh a fasler focal ratio than the f18 0 10 116 0 The sterl Itill remain under 20 microns which mike it useful fOf CCO cameras with smaller chips Focallenglh 6tOmm Focal Ralio F 6 0 lmlge Circle I J 50mm 60 illuminated Camera Angle Adjusler CAA The Camera Angle Adjusler allows a cam era or ocular and diagonal 10 be totated 360 wilhout loss of focus It allows the ocular 10 be placed in a co...
Page 17: ...r to Fig 23 b CA 3S TSA l02l 101 redocer loco Relelto Fig 24 Fie 23 J Fie 2 T Moont Wide Moont T Adapters The T Moont isosed to c onnee t to the TeA 4 eyepiece projectioo dapter lor high mag nification photos and CCO images 01 the Moon and p1anels Relel 10 Fig 25 The Wide T Mounl can be used lor prime Fie 25 locus reducer 35 flattener photography Rerer to Fig 26 Fie 26 11 ...
Page 18: ...I f MEF l The Mic o Edge FoeuMr it en ot tton ly eveiteb e 10 10 1 fine locus enaenm t thM mIits 10 to 1 rone focus for Cf foeus log fl lf Ig I Ngh m gnmbOn FOR l FOR 1 is very wnventent device to enach end 6etadl the rmdeo quickly Onee it is set on the focuSlf housiog you can a ecto and dellch the linde quickly by thumb turn screw The linder alignment lIJfIIinulmost the lime in doing so FIe 28 Fi...
Page 19: ...e hig h quality 9lass filters or H alpha filter ever ob e e the sun directly This will ca use insta nt bli dness Cover your finder with two layers of al uminlzed y ar or an Dpaque coVer mder to allow t e ob server to can _e the sun Sun Projection Observation Sys em Sun Projection Screen Accessory Holder Ring ig 30 19 ...
Page 20: ...en the lock screws and remove it 2 IRemove he sc ews tha a ach the ob jac fve to the celli These are he shorter Screws with the la 9 ltheads Alw ys kieep one ha d on he objective as hese screws are remove 0 eep it from fal l ing As you emove the objecfve cell ma e two marks on he cell and base so that i will be placed back in its original position after cleaning In the diagram the s crews r emoved...
Page 21: ...ount 35mm 31 TCA 4 TKA00210 46 317 0 adapt r TXPO llQI 47 0 311 46 Oeol 501 49 J1 7 Di _1 poi TKPOO541 0 Ext TO I I TxAoonsl 70 50 8 OculI _pto TIIP27110 11 L bIoI tuboI L TKPJ 1112 1 DiI OMI mim r TIWlO5 3 75 Adlpt OldX31 7J TKAool11 80S 35 fl tt n AJ 15 82 88 ceo cam dj lIt h l lU _l1l IotIloo _ _ _ _ SUVOSUl _ _ Ioo_ _ _X 11 _lloo pooI l t 21 ...
Page 22: ...TKPoollJ I c C S Tl AOOICl3 311 0cWr 1l POO Ol U II q I 70 50 1 00uI _ TKP21 O TIL L XTKP311n tt _ 11 JJ WOMT__ 35 CA 35 501 KAJt2 1I I TCA l XArmIO 0c0 0IeI 311 8 0 oO I H O I_ 3 75 Aliollt OMX311 nWX11111 lOS n n u lltA31582 II CCD_ 22 ...
Page 23: ... nv ooIOJ 1 111 O ulw adopt lTltF OOI01 70 501 Ocuiw adopt T1tP211 10 I e III OIIt onaI I CM TKA302OlI liS R d TM3151OS 30 CA 3S TSA HU KA23201j 13 ww T r4 J I J5oowoo __ U 5 t _ IoC5 _ _ 1 ee 311 SO nrc F8 KAz115O II CCO_ 23 ...