Operating the Phone
T207M, T208M, T207M/NP, T208M/BL User Guide
Making External Calls
Making External Calls
When Making External Calls:
In some systems an outside dial tone must be heard before dialing can begin.
In some systems using Automatic Routing Selection, internal dial tone or no tone is heard after dialing the access code.
In some cases (as defined by Class of Service) dialing must begin with a Forced Account code before the called number
can be dialed. When Forced Account code is required, the distinctive dial tone will be heard after dialing the external line
code, and the
message appears on the top line. See
Stop Dial
or # after the external number to tell the system that you have finished sending digits over a trunk
line. In response the system sends your call immediately towards the destination without waiting for inter-digit time out.
In certain systems the cost, or number of meter units of the call are displayed, after an external call terminates. This
appears for a short while, or until another call is made or received, in the format defined for your system.
Some systems may be programmed with a limit to the duration of outgoing externals calls. Once the limit is reached, the
call will be automatically disconnected.
On external calls routed via an ISDN trunk, call messages are displayed (such as connection status, call fail, etc.). Most
messages are for system administrators and technicians and will not be seen during normal operation (see the Message
Definitions table below).
If the Bearer Capability of the trunk or dial service you are attempting to connect
to does not match your station’s COS.
If your station’s COS is set to ISDN only and call attempts are made through a
trunk group not defined as
ISDN only
In certain systems if no trunk is available the call may be held in a queue and
this displays the number of the queue.