Sentinel Pro Installation Procedure and Reference Manual
- for Coral IPx / FlexiCom
Upgrading Sentinel Pro via TFTP
Upgrading Sentinel
via the Co
ral PI (Route: ADMIN,1)
Upgrading Sentinel Pro via the Coral PI (Route: ADMIN,1)
In Coral FlexiCom and IPx systems, the Sentinel Pro software can be upgraded via
TFTP by using the PI (Route: ADMIN, 7).
It is possible to upgrade multiple Sentinel Pro units simultaneously through the PI.
The Sentinel Pro units to be updated can be specified by their Coral index number or
by their IP address.
The software upgrade may be scheduled for a future date, as well as cancelled before
this date.
For a detailed description of the PI programming procedure, refer to the
Program Interface and Database Reference Manual
, Version 15 or higher.