M5 Intimidator Board Instructions
Fully functional in 2K2 or GZ style Intimidator frames
Based on the Musashi 5 software
Includes 5 fire modes: uncapped semi-auto, capped semi-auto, PSP
ramping, PSP burst, and NXL full-automatic
Continuously monitors the trigger switch throughout the entire firing
AMB (anti-mechanical bounce) and CPF (cycle percentage filter)
algorithms help to eliminate mechanical bounce and switch bounce
Power efficient software lengthens battery life
Programming mode allows changes to debounce, dwell, loader delay,
AMB, eye mode, bolt delay, fire mode, max rate of fire, cycle
percentage filter, and ramp start
All settings are stored in non-volatile memory so they are not lost when
battery is disconnected
One-touch startup enables the marker to fire instantly
Delayed and forced eye mode with force shot allows the marker to be
fired when the eyes are enabled but no object is present in the breech
Low battery indicator software
The Tadao Intimidator Board is a drop-in upgrade. Installation consists of
removing the old board and putting in the new one:
Remove the left half of the 2K2 Intimidator frame. The stock circuit
board is exposed.
Unscrew the bottom mounting screw.
Gently lift up the stock board and unplug the LCD ribbon and two
wiring harnesses.
Reconnect the wiring harnesses to the Tadao Intimidator Board. The
top 12 pin connector may need to be reversed for the eye system to
function correctly.
If the eye system does not work then the 12 pin
connector is installed backwards.
Place the Tadao Intimidator Board back into the grip frame on top of
the solenoid, making sure all the wires are tucked underneath the board
so they are not pinched when the frame is reassembled.
Thread the bottom board mounting screw in but only make it snug.
Reattach the left side of the grip frame.
Readjust the trigger set screws as necessary.
LED Indicator
The multi-color LED that shines out the grip frame shows which mode of
operation the marker is currently in:
Solid Green
Ball in breech, ready to fire
Solid Red
No ball in breech
Slow Blinking Green
Eye malfunction, max rate of fire reduced
Slow Blinking Red
Eyes disabled, rate of fire limited to 20
balls per second in uncapped semi-auto;
otherwise capped at fire mode max rate of
fire for fire modes 2-5
Power Operation
Sliding the power switch turns the marker on. If the battery is low, the LED will
flicker red. If the battery is fine, it will show a green or red LED in the grip frame
to indicate that the marker is ready to be fired. Every time the marker is turned on,
the eyes are enabled. The marker can be turned off regardless of the state of the
eyes. See “Battery Indicator” section for additional details.
Eye Operation and Logic
The eyes are enabled when the marker is first turned on. The eyes can be turned
off by pushing the bolt forward and firing 5 times. If the marker is not aired up,
you can also block the eyes for 5 shots in a row to turn off the eyes.
Note that the eye logic can tell the difference between paint being fired and an
object constantly blocking the eyes. The eyes watch for the bolt to return every
shot. If this does not happen, the LED will flash green to indicate an eye
malfunction. Unblocking the eyes will cause it to revert to a solid red LED to show
that the eyes are working again and the breech is empty. If the eyes are
continually blocked for 5 shots in a row, the eye system will automatically disable.
If you are firing the marker with paint and air, and the eye system is working, the
eyes will not disable automatically since they will see the bolt returning every
To determine if the eyes are working correctly
insert an object into the breech.
Check to see if the LED changes from solid red to solid green and then back to
solid red once the object is removed.
Battery Indicator
The battery indicator software is standard on the Tadao Intimidator Board. When
the marker is turned on, the LED may briefly flicker red to indicate a low battery,
and it should be changed as soon as possible. Your battery may last for another
case of paint, but it is close to failing. If the battery is fine, the software will go
directly into the firing mode.
The tournament lock must be disabled in order to change settings on the board.
The tournament lock is toggled by making sure the marker is turned off, then
shorting the bottom 2 pins on the programming connector and power cycling the
maker (turning it on, then off):
To toggle the tournament lock:
Turn the marker off.
Touch the top two pins of the programming connector with a
conductive object.
Turn on the marker while maintaining contact with the two pins.
The LED will blink twice: either red (lock ON), or green (lock OFF).
Turn the marker off.
By default the tournament lock is disabled, allowing the user to change settings.
While the marker is turned off, press and hold the trigger and turn the marker on.
This will initiate the programming mode, flashing through a rainbow sequence and
then finally showing solid green.
Pulling and releasing the trigger quickly will toggle between the different
programming modes:
Flickering Green
Flickering Orange
Eye mode
Alternating Red/Green
Fire mode
Alternating Red/Orange
Fire mode max rate of fire
Alternating Green/Orange
Cycle percentage filter
Flickering Red/Green
Ramp start