All specifications are subject to change without notice, and this manual may contain errors which we will happily edit as they are pointed out.
V71DI, V72S, V72M, V76M, V77M, and V78M are all Copyright 2010, AMI, Inc. V72 and TAB-Funkenwerk are registered trademarks at
the USPTO. Other product names mentioned may be service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and
are hereby acknowledged. The V78M is designed by Oliver Archut and is made in the USA.
9.75 lbs
Dimensions: 19” x 1 ¾” x 9 ¼”
Power Supply:
120 volts, 60 cps
Power Consumption:
9 watts
Tube complement:
(1) EF86/EF806, (1) EF844s
Input impedance:
20 To 20,000 cps Variable 1K to 20K Ohms
Output impedance: 600 Ohms
unit doesn't require a min. load, may be operated without load.
22dB to 60 dB
Adjustable in 3 dB steps (+/- 0.5 dB)
22dB to 46 dB
Adjustable in 6 and 4 dB steps (+/- 0.5 dB)
52dB, 56dB and 60 dB
Harmonic distortion:
At output level +10 dB, (0dB=0.775V) measuring load resistance 600 ohms, gain 60 dB
40 cps
1000/5000 cps
</= 0.2%
</= 0.1%
</= 0.2%
</= 0.1%
Hum and noise level: Related to the input, tested with J77 (through ear response filter according to CCIR
1949 and peak voltage indication)
At gain 0 dB P (total) </= -100 dB
At gain 60 dB
P (total) </= - 90 dB
Measuring load resistance at the input:
200 ohms
Low cut is a 120 Hz high pass filter with –6 dB per octave
Phantom power is +48V DC and ramps up over 5 seconds
Polarity reverses via relay with switch and indicator on the faceplate
Switchable 100 Ohm ground resistive buffer
Unit ships with either Telefunken AG or Philips/Valvo NOS tubes. The V78M may be operated with an
EF86/6267 in the first stage and an EF80/6BX6 in the second stage if replacement tubes are unavailable.
Please note an EF80 reduces the output level by several dB’s and will change the sound character.
Technical Data
Unit must be sent to TAB Funkenwerk every two years for routine
maintenance checks. It is necessary to check all voltages and
functionality of the tubes. Customer pays only shipping and handling.
If the maintenance requirements are followed the unit has a limited
warranty of 5 years. Otherwise, the warranty voids at the end of 2
years. This warranty covers all parts & labor, except vacuum tubes.
Customer pays for shipping and handling charges. Warranty period
starts on the date of sale from the dealer and your dealer’s invoice is
referenced as the warranty slip. The warranty is not transferrable from the original purchaser.
For more information on this and other products, please visit our website at:
Owner’s Manual
Mono Tube Microphone Preamplifier