On the inside of the device, a button is located, used for coupling, restarting etc.
Opening the device
By pressing along the cover (as shown in the picture) it can be opened alongside the device.
LED status indicator
The LED indicates the status of the device.
Button press
1 brief press
2 brief presses
Allow coupling for 5 minutes
10 sec long press Total reset
While holding the button for a total reset, the LED
flashes red. The button must be held until the
LED turns green, at which point the total rest is
carried out.
Green, flashing quickly
The button has been pressed twice – wireless coupling is allowed
for 5 minutes (the LED only flashes for the first three seconds, not
the entire 5 minute duration).
Orange flash every 10 sec
Valve could not be detected (error code 4)
Red flash every 10 sec
Battery charge <5%; the motor is no longer actuated
status LED