-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 75 -
When the bottom of the hole has been reached,the spindle is stopped at the fixed rotation
position, and the tool is moved in the direction opposite to the tool tip and retracted. This ensures
that the machined surface is not damaged and enable precise and efficient boring to be performed.
Before specifying G76, use a miscellaneous function (M code) to rotate the spindle. When The
G76 command and an M code are specified in the same block, the M code is executed at the time of
the first positioning operation. The system then proceeds to the next operation.
When a tool length offset (G43, G44, or G49) is specified in the canned cycle, the offset is
applied at the time of positioning to point R..
Note: 1. Before the drilling axis can be changed, the canned cycle must be canceled.
2. In a block that does not contain R, Q , boring is not performed.
3. Be sure to specify a positive value in Q. If Q is specified with a negative value, the sign is ignored. Set
the direction of shift is set by P3 of User parameter. Specify P & Q in a block that perform boring. If they are
specified in a block that doesn't perform boring, they cannot be stored as modal data.
4. Do not specify a G code of the 01 group(G00-G03) and G76 in a single block. Otherwise, G76 will be
canceled and alarm.
5. In the canned cycle mode, tool offsets are ignored.
Warning: The spindle system must support orientation function when use G76. SZGH cnc system output
M61(Pin19_CN10 plug) for orientation, M22(Pin5_CN10 plug) detects orientation end.
N10 M3 S500 ;
Cause the spindle to start rotating.
N20 G90 G99 G75 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 Q5 P1 F120;
Position, bore hole 1, then return to point R. Orient at the bottom of
the hole, then shift by 5mm.Stop at the bottom of the hole for 1s.
N30 Y-350 ;
Position, drill hole 2, then return to point R.
N40 Y-550 ;
Position, drill hole 2, then return to point R.
N50 X1000 ;
Position, drill hole 2, then return to point R.
N60 Y-550 ;
Position, drill hole 2, then return to point R.
N70 G98 Y-750 ;
Position, drill hole 2, then return to the initial level.
N80 G80 G28 G91 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Return to the reference position
N90 M5 ;
Cause the spindle to stop rotating.
3.28.4 Canned Cycle Cancel (G80)
G80 cancels canned cycle
Format: G80
All canned cycles are canceled to perform normal operation. Point R and point Z are cleared. This
means that R=0 and Z=0 in incremental mode. Other drilling data is also canceled(cleared).