-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 49 -
3.23 Rotate Coordinate Instruction (G68/G69)
A p
rogramming shape can be rotated, by using this function it becomes possible, for example, to
modify a program using a rotating command when a workpiece has been played with some angle
rotated from the programmed position on the machine. Further, when there is a patter comprising
some identical shapes in the position rotated from a shape, the time required for programming and
the length of the program can be reduced by preparing a subprogram of the shape and calling it after
rotation. In short: By designating a rotation angle with G68 in the program, actual machining will
be performed on the rotated coordinate.
Fig3.17.1 coordinate system rotation
User can specify the Center-point (origin) and Angle-of-rotation, and whole the pattern of
operation will be executed there.Anyway, if the shape of workpiece is comprised of many same
graphics, the graphics unit can be compiled to subprogram, then the subprogram is on tap for
rotation instruction of main program.
_ R_ ;
Start rotation of a coordinate system.
Coordinate system rotation mode
(The Coordinate system is rotated)
G69 ;
Coordinate system rotation cancel command
Meaning of command
G17(G18 or G19) : Select the plane in which contains the figure to be rotated.
: Absolute command for two of the X_,Y_ and Z_ axes that correspond to the current
plane selected by command(G17/G18/G19). The command specifies the coordinates of
the center of rotation for the values specified subsequent to G68.
: Rotating angle, with a positive value indicates counter clockwise rotation.
With negative value indicates clockwise rotation. Least input increment: 0.001 deg;
Valid data range: -360.000 ~ 360.000 .