-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 48 -
3.22 Programmable mirror image (G11/G12)
A mirror image of a programmed command can be produced with respect to a programmed axis
of symmetry.(See Fig3.16.1)
Format: G11 X_ Y_ (Z_ X_) (Y_ Z_) (mode) ;according to XYZ symmetry axis
G12 (mode,original)
;Cancel Mirror.
Programmable mirror image finish processing of symmetric point in this axis by change the
feeding direction of axis,which is specified by current interpolation plane G17(X_Y_) /G18(Z_X_)
/G19(Y_Z_). The value behind of X_Y_Z_ is the Coordinate value of current coordinate system.
Example of mirror image program
Fig3.16.1 Example of a mirror image program
Sub program:
N10 G00 G90 X60.0 Y60.0 ;
N20 G01 X100.0 F100 ;
N30 G01 Y100.0 ;
N40 G01 X60.0 Y60.0 ;
N50 M99 ;
Main program
N10 G00 G90;
N20 M98 PKG11;
N30 G11 X50.0
N40 M98 PKG11;
N50 G11 X50.0 Y50.0
N60 M98 PKG11;
N70 G11 Y50.0
N80 M98 P%9000;
N90 G12;
N100 M12;
Note: before specifying the G code for reference position return(G26,G28,G61,G30) or Coordinate system
setting(G52-G59),cancel the mirror image mode.