-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
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system is set so that the reference position is at the coordinate values of (α, β) set by P46,P47,P48 &
P49 in Axis parameter .
Fig3.10.2 Machine coordinate system
3.14.2 Workpiece Coordinate system(G54/G55/G56/G57/G58/G59)
A coordinate system used for machining a workpiece is referred to as a workpiece coordinate
system. A workpiece coordinate system is to be set with the CNC beforehand
(setting a workpiece
coordinate system)
A machining program sets a workpiece coordinate system
(selecting a workpiece coordinate
A set workpiece coordinate system can be changed by shifting its origin
(changing a
workpiece coordinate system)
A workpiece coordinate system can be set using one of three methods:
(1)Method using G50
A workpiece coordinate system is set by specifying a value after G50 in the program.
(2) Automatic setting
A workpiece coordinate system is automatically set when manual reference position return is
performed .
(3) Method of using G54 to G59
Make settings on the MDI panel to preset six workpiece coordinate systems. Then, use
program commands G54 toG59 to select which workpiece coordinate system to use.
When an absolute command is used, a workpiece coordinate system must be established in any
of the ways described above.
The user can choose from set workpiece coordinate systems as described below.
Setting a workpiece coordinate system by G50
G50 IP_
A workpiece coordinate system is shifted to set a new workpiece Coordinate system so that a
point on the tool, such as the tool tip, is at specified coordinates(IP_). Then, the amount of
coordinate system shift is added to all the workpiece zero point offset values. This is means that if a
coordinates system is set using G50 during tool length offset, a coordinate system in which the
position before offset matches the position specified in G50 is set.
Tool compensation is canceled temporarily with G50.