-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 88 -
3.29 Block Cycle (G22,G800)
G22 is a program loop instruction, G800 is the end of the cycle instruction. Both must be
paired for parts machining process requires repeated occasions. L is the number of cycles, ranging
from 1-99999. Cycle instructions can be nested.
G22 L_
Block Cycle
G800 ;End
For example
Program as follows:
N0000 G17 G90 X0 Y0 F250 M03
N0001 G91 G01 Z-10
N0010 G22 L4
N0020 G01 X20
N0030 G03 X10 I5 J0 Y0
N0040 G800
N0050 G01 X20
;D-E line
N0060 Y-30
;E-F line
N0070 G11 X140 Y-30
;set mirror
N0080 G22 L4
;circulation begin
N0090 G01 X20
;F-G line
N0100 G03 X10 I5
;G-H arc
N0110 G800
;circulation end
N0120 G01 X20
;I-J line
N0130 G01 Y-30
;cancel mirror
N0140 G12
;J-A line
N0150 G26
;go back to program begin point
N0160 M02