Detailed Frame View
When each data frames are clicked from ‘Client View’ window, detailed frame information
displays as shown below.
Previous Frame: Displays previous detailed frame information.
Next Frame: Displays next detailed frame information.
SOF: Stands for ‘Start of Field’ which means the beginning of the frame.
ID: It is a CAN Identifier used for prioritizing or used for user-defined content..
RTR: Stands for ‘Remote Transmission Request’. When the frame is a ‘Remote
Frame’, it is set to 1.
IDE: If it is CAN 2.0 A, then it is set to 0. Otherwise if it is CAN 2.0 B then 1.
r0: Reserved to set to 0.
DLC: Stands for ‘Data Length Code’. Represents the size of the payload.
DATA: Actual content.