Portbase User Guide
and the socket number of the server.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] port <socket number>
(Default: 4001,4002)
Set the socket number for the port. TCP server and UDP server operation mode makes use of
this port for awaiting network socket connections.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] name <name>
(Default: Port1)
Port alias name for convenience. 16 Characters at maximum.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] speed [150 / 300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400 /
57600 / 115200 / 230400 / 460800 / 921600]
(Default: 9600bps)
Set communication speed.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] data [5 / 6 / 7 / 8]
(Default: 8)
Set the number of bits in each character size.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] stop [1 / 2]
(Default: 1)
Set the number of stop bits.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] parity [none / odd / even]
(Default: none)
Set parity bit check scheme.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] flow [none / xon / rts]
(Default: none)
Set the flow control scheme.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] signal [data / modem]
(Default: data)
Set the signal line checking method for the device to be connected to the given serial port.
If the mode is set to data (Data Only), only Txd, Rxd, and Gnd signal lines are used in inter-
device communication. If the mode is set to modem (Modem Signals), all modem signals
except RI(Ring Indicator) are asserted, tested, and used in communication.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] remote <IP address>
When the Operation Mode is set to TCP Client, set the IP address to connect to.
set serial [ all / 1 / 2 ] rport <socket number>
(Default: 4000)
When the Operation Mode is set to TCP Client, set the socket number to connect to.
Electric Film S.R.L. — Aleea Scarisoara 3, Apt.42 ▪ Cluj Napoca, Cluj ▪ 400445 ▪ www.electricfilm.eu
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