Installation Instructions
SK-NET TR/PCI (+) (SK-459x)
Token Ring PCI NIC
Chapter 3. Using the
Diagnostics Program
DIO parity error!
DMA read timeout!
DMA read parity error!
DMA read bus error!
DMA read error (????)!
DMA write timeout!
DMA write parity error!
DMA write bus error!
DMA write error (????)!
Internal DMA underrun error
Indicate errors in DMA
In the
Configuration menu, select
PseudoDMA or install the adapter in a
different slot
Illegal OpCode in TMS!
Internal bus parity error!
Adapter RAM data error at
Unrecognized internal
Unrecognized internal error
Unrecognized XOP request
Errors which occur as a result of
hardware problems in communication
between the adapter and the CPU/RAM
use a different slot / computer