those on hand. Any type listed as film should not be subbed with a ceramic cap of any rating. Generally,
any capacitor can be subbed with a nearby standard value. For instance, 4.7p caps are fine for 5p
Generally (and where available values overlap):
A C0G MLCC is an improvement over X7R, X5R or disc capacitor;
A box film capacitor is an improvement over a C0G MLCC;
A polystyrene film capacitor is an improvement over a box film type.
If you are a confident builder, you may elect to omit the IC sockets. If you do, buy a couple of extra op
amp chips, in case you mangle one removing it.
If you are socketing, don’t buy low cost sockets with leaf
type contacts. Just DON’T. Use only mach
ined contact sockets.
Some capacitor locations on the TTSH are silkscreened to indicate a value that is not common and may be
difficult to purchase retail. Substitutions have been made in the BOM/kit to the nearest common value,
and in all cases the substitute value is acceptable.
PC Board Marking
BOM Equivalent Part
Capacitor, MLCC, C0G, 22p
Capacitor, MLCC, C0G, 33p
Capacitor, MLCC, C0G, 47p
Capacitor, MLCC, C0G, 2n2
Capacitor, Film, 7.5mm LS, 22n
Capacitor, Film, 5mm LS, 100n
Table 1 - Marked Capacitors and Their Equivalents
In the Voltage Processor, Lag Processor section, the LM301 op amp location is marked for an alternate
TL071 op amp. This change is standard and is typically performed on ARP 2600s when they come in for
service. The tracking accuracy of the TL071 is advantageous in this location, and the BOM/Kit reflect this
All but one of the many bugs in the V3 boards have been resolved (see next section).
The unused PDIP8 pad in LED section has been removed.
A field change of one 220R resistor to 680R is formalized (clock rate indicator).
Mounting points for the Fuzzbass Gate Booster PCB have been added to the EG section.
TTSH V3 was revision 8 of the main board. This designation should have been updated for V4,
but was overlooked. V4 main boards can be identified by the lack of a DIP8 footprint in the
main LED section (front of the board, near the Ring Modulator inputs) and
the word “REV8”
silkscreened on the back of the main PCB, top right corner.