Positive Probe Negative Probe Resistance
Table 15 - Checking for Shorts
Repeat the resistance checks on the DC-DC converter board outputs.
Set the DMM in voltage mode, connect the negative probe to the center
output pin,
and the positive probe to the pin (not the test point) 15.00. Connect the AC
power supply to power up the DC-DC converter. You should measure ~+15.75V. Move
the probe to the -15.00V pin (not the test point). You should measure ~-15.75V.
Move the positive probe to the V+ pin. Adjust the top trimmer to a15.00V. Move
the positive probe to the V- pin. Adjust the bottom trimmer to achieve -15.00V.
Disconnect the external AC adaptor.
Install the five-way jumper from the DC-DC converter output to the main board
Reconnect the external AC adaptor.
Repeat step D. Once the full load is on the PSU, it is usually necessary to adjust the V+
and V- voltage trims again. A good 0V reference point for these measurements is the
“gnd” pin on the CV header. Connect a grabber probe there, and use a pointed probe to
measure the voltages present on the various IDC connectors in the power jumper.
Swap VCF cores to the 4072 and make sure it does not introduce a power issue. Then
swap the 4012 back in.
Peek underneath and make sure all slider LEDs and the power LED are lit. Then disconnect
Take a Sharpie and sign the main board
builder’s label.
You have reached the point of no return!
Proceed to Check Out and Calibration. It is important to run through all checks and calibration
before installing the panel. There is possibility you will encounter problems that need to be fixed
with the panel off. There are 81 nuts and 13 screws involved in removing the panel. Be patient.
Don’t tie down the 4027
-1 VCO core modules until you have completed calibration of all three
Follow the checks and calibration steps as documented on the ARP 2600 service manual. You will need
an oscilloscope and a frequency counter.
The VCO/VCF pitch and tracking calibration sets the operating range for pitch across a CV scale.
The builder may position the VCO/VCF base frequency anywhere they prefer on the voltage scale.
The calibration presented in the ARP 2600 service manual is optimized for use with the ARP 3600
series keyboard
, and it’s available CV range
. This may not be optimal for other controllers. Review
the Fuzzbass alternative calibration routine for VCOs/VCF presented below, to see if there is a
calibration more applicable to the controllers you will use, and the way you will be performing.
This section also deals with internal CV sources such as MIDImplant.