New optical system
The OP320C has a completely new
patented optical system. An excellent
signal / noise ratio is achieved by pre-
cise beam guidance. The asymmetri-
cal, highly polished labyrinth enables a
level of light absorption greater than
ever before. Dust and dirt in the optical
chamber are hardly illuminated and
therefore largely ignored. The design
of the futuristic-looking grid is such
that it is almost impossible for the
receiver to even see the areas most
likely to be contaminated. The immuni-
ty from electromagnetic interference is
at least 5x better than the present
standards. In fact even the applicable
standards from the year 2001 are far
The Optical detector OP320C is an
excellent all-round detector. It is partic-
ularly suitable anywhere where there
are normal environmental conditions.
The SynoDEC 300 range offers
the following
- Products for every application
- Maximum flexibility, all types of
detector mounted on the same type
of base
- Fast, easy installation due to simple
click concept
Patented technology:
10 x more resistant to dust
and dirt than average
Exceeds national and international
standards and passes the toughest
internal tests
Click concept:
Plug-in connections for detector
installation and line connection
Above average lightning protection
Alarmcom special:
Each detector housing
can be coloured
Immune to electromagnetic
interference from mobile
telephones, fluorescent lights
and most other sources
Unique product:
3 patents on the optical chamber
Uncompromising use of
Optical smoke detector for
conventional detector line SynoLINE 300
The Optical detector OP320C is the absolute all-rounder in the
SynoDEC 300 range. It has a completely new optical system
and the latest electronics which opens up new dimensions in
the level of safety and functioning.