DesignWare ARC AXC003 CPU Card User Guide
Linux and U-Boot Packages
Synopsys, Inc.
Version 6323-018
May 2017
If you program the
file to SPI flash on AXS 103 hardware, set bit 3 on
the SW2501 switch to off so that the pre-bootloader looks for the U-Boot in SPI flash. By
default, this switch is on and bypasses loading the U-Boot or any application in SPI flash.
is programmed into the AXS SPI flash and autostarts on power-
on, it attempts to find
on the first partition of the SD card.
Hardware Setup for Debugging
1. Select the ARC HS38 Core 0 configuration as described in
ARC HS38 Core 0 on page
2. Perform the hardware setup as described in
on page 85.
3. Open a hyperterminal (such as PuTTY) on your PC and select the COM port that is
connected to the USB data port of the ARC SDP Mainboard.
4. Set the Connection type to Serial and the Speed to 115200.
Additionally, you may connect:
USB keyboard to the USB port on the board
Ethernet cable
HDMI Monitor
Executing the Linux Image with U-Boot
You can use the U-Boot bootloader for loading and starting a Linux image on an AXS103
board. U-Boot can be pre-programmed in on-board SPI flash and start automatically on
power-on or you can load it using JTAG. Loading U-Boot with the Debugger Using JTAG
If you are using an Ashling Opella-XD debug probe push the RESET button (SW2410) on the
Mainboard and run the following command:
prop=jtag_optimise=1 -nooptions -run -cl -memxfersize=0x8000 u-boot_axs103.elf
If you are using a Digilent debug probe push the RESET button (SW2410) on the Mainboard
and run the following command:
mdb -digilent -prop=dig_speed=10000000 -run -cl u-boot_axs103.elf
On execution of U-Boot you see the following in the serial console:
U-Boot 2017.01 (Apr 11 2017 - 11:54:33 +0300)
I2C: ready
DRAM: 512 MiB
MMC: Synopsys Mobile storage: 0
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment