IZ2/IZ2H Stimulator
Fast Facts
Status Light
solid red
not properly connected to
base station or cannot sync
solid green
connected to RZ and operating
in current mode
solid green, slow red flash
connected to RZ and operating
in voltage mode
Stim Lights
lit green
indicated channel in use as a
stimulus output
lit red
indicated channel is clipping
(/- 10 V)
Battery Indicator Lights
VA Positive Battery Pole
VB Negative Battery Pole
VC Logic Battery Level
Battery Status Lights
8 green
fully charged
1 green, 7 unlit
low voltage
1 flashing red
low voltage - charge now!
8 green flashing
charging in progress
This fast facts sheet provides basic reference
information for the IZ2/IZ2H Stimulator and related
devices. See the System 3 Manual for more detailed
The IZ2 Stimulator is available with 32(IZ2-32), 64(IZ2-64), or
128(IZ2-128) channels. Power for stimulation is supplied by 200
and 400 Wh battery life (LZ48-200 and LZ48-400) Li-Poly battery
packs, both capable of producing the same output voltage/current
characteristics. The number of channels needed for stimulation
determines power requirements. The IZ2H is a high current range
version of the IZ2 and is available with sixteen stimulus channels.
Stimulus Output Voltage
+/- 12 V
IZ2 Stimulus Output C/- 300 µA up to 50 kOhm load
IZ2H Stimulus Output Current +/- 3 mA up to 5 kOhm load
IZ2-128 should only be used with the LZ48-400
can be used with LZ48-200 or LZ48-400
can be used with LZ48-200 or LZ48-400
IZ2H-16 should only be used with the LZ48-400
Synapse Rig Configuration.
The first time the IZ2 is used,
it must be configured in the rig. When the specialized DSPI
card mounted in the RZ device is detected, an IZ2 will be
added to the rig hardware tree. Click the check box to the
left of the IZ2 icon to enable the device. In the options area,
select the model and number of channels.
Synapse IZ2 Options.
Click the IZ2 in the Processing Tree
to display hardware option. Select Current or Voltage mode
and any other options as needed.