a Synapse electroceutical technology
General Instructions for Use
In addition, see product packaging for instructions specific to your device.
Electroceutical treatment for complex wounds
Accel-Heal® is a Class IIa registered medical device designed to accelerate healing in complex wounds using proprietary
electroceutical programs.
The Accel-Heal
treatment uses 6 single use devices used consecutively to deliver 12 days of treatment and is intended for use for
the treatment of complex wounds. The units may be used during sleep.
Clean the skin surrounding the wound with the alcohol
wipes included in the pack.
Attach the Accel-Heal® Unit to the electrode pads by
connecting the cables from the Accel-Heal® Unit to the
electrical leads from the electrode pads.
Do this by pushing the electrode connectors at the end
of the cables leading from the Accel-Heal® Unit into the
electrode receptors at the end of the electrical leads
leading from the electrode pads.
Press and hold button for 2 seconds to activate device.
Activating the Program
When your
nger is released the program will com-
mence its operation and the green LED will
ash once
every two seconds. The program runs its speci
sequence after which time the device will turn itself
. That’s it, it is that simple.
Connect the electrical leads from the electrode pads to
the cable ends from the Accel-Heal® Unit.
Flashing green light indicates activation.
Device will now run for 48 hours.
Stopping the Program Part-Way Through
If you wish to cease a program part-way through, the
device may be switched o
by pressing and holding
down the on/o
button for 2 seconds. When the de-
vice is re-started a new program will start from
the beginning.
The following rules should be adhered to when using
a Synapse Electroceutical device.
Treatment Discomfort
Synapse Electroceutical treatments should be pain
free and sub-sensory (without feeling). However a
tingling sensation may be felt by some users and
is normal. If discomfort is experienced the device
should be switched o
and the electrodes removed
immediately. Therefore, if in the unlikely event you do
feel increased pain or discomfort following use of the
device, please cease using it immediately and contact
your referring clinician. We strongly advise that the
electroceutical treatments will be more e
ective if you
are well hydrated, in addition, ensure the skin is clean
and dry before pad placement.
Skin Irritation
In the unlikely event that skin irritation develops
please stop using the Synapse Electroceutical device
and contact your clinician. Please do ensure that the
pads are clean prior to use.
Contra-indications Hazards
Your clinician should have explained the few con-
tra-indications for using the device; these are:
Heart Conditions
Consult your physician before using the Synapse Elec-
troceutical device if you have a heart condition and/or
have an implanted cardiac pacemaker.
The program will now run its 48 hour sequence after
which time the unit will turn itself o
. At this time
you should apply the next unit following the same
directions as above until the full course of treatment is
Attach the electrodes either side of wound or dressing
Trouble Shooting
: When there is poor contact between the
conducting electrode pads and the skin, the green ‘ON’
ashes more quickly at a rate of twice per
: Clean the skin and reapply or use fresh pads.
: The green ‘ON’ light will not light.
: The device has completed its treatment
course. Please return the device via the instructions
Returning the Devices
Please dispose of used and decontaminated
devices in your organisation’s Waste Electrical and
Electronics Equipment (WEEE) disposal facility. Al-
ternatively, please contact Synapse Electroceutical
Ltd. on 01959 569433 to obtain a return envelope.
The devices will then be disposed of in an environ-
mentally sound manner. These devices are medical
electrical devices and should not be disposed of
with general waste. Devices will only be accepted
if accompanied with a decontamination certi
or statement of decontamination. Devices can be
decontaminated by wiping them gently with 70%
isopropyl alcohol.
General Advice
The Synapse Electroceutical devices have been
developed as a result of signi
cant medical and sci-
c research and they are intended to be used/
recommended for use by a medical or healthcare
clinician/practitioner following a consultation.