Chapter 2 TL1 Reference
Retrieve MTIE Data
SSU-2000e Technical Reference
12713140-003-2 Revision E.01 – January 2007
Retrieve MTIE Data
This command returns the MTIE data for a specified port on a DS1, E1, Sine, or
GPS Input module. The command
an aid to identify the input port to report
data from. You can specify a Clock module identifier and the start and stop times for
the measurement. If you do not specify a clock [CLK-A | CLK-B], the current output
clock is used.
Only the values available in the interval between the start and stop times are output.
For the first three hours of operation after an input is enabled, the values are
displayed on a 1-minute boundary. After the first three hours of operation, the data is
displayed on a 1-hour boundary. The returned MTIE values have a timestamp that
corresponds to the nearest minute or hour boundaries.
Response Format
The response is the complied message followed by the requested data in the format:
^^^"aid:ocrdat,ocrtm,MTIE,clksrc,temper,monval"<cr lf>
= port access identifier
= the beginning date and time the data was collected
= clock A or B used for the measurements
= time period for the measurement data, given in seconds. The maximum
tmper values for MTIE are 0.05, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, and 100000
= data value for the time period, in nanoseconds
Retrieves current MTIE data from the specified Input port.
[CLK-A |
Specifies which clock supplies the MTIE data.
Specified the start date and time. If the date is null but
followed by a time, the command defaults to the current
date. If the start time is null, but preceded by a date, the
command defaults to the current time. If the start date and
time are null, the command defaults to the start of the data.
The comma must be present to indicate a null start time.
Specifies the stop date and time for data. If the date is null
but followed by a time, the command defaults to the current
date. If the stop time is null but preceded by a date, the
command defaults to the current time. If the stop date and
time is null, the command defaults to the end of the data.