Chapter 2 TL1 Reference
TL1 Command and Response Conventions
SSU-2000e Technical Reference
12713140-003-2 Revision E.01 – January 2007
Autonomous Report Conventions
The SSU-2000e sends autonomous reports in response to a detected alarm
condition or status change. You can select one of two formats for autonomous
messages: GR-831 or GR-833. Use the RTRV-PRMTR-TL1FORMAT command to
select which format is generated. These reports are similar to the RTRV-ALARM
command responses, but contain an alarm code rather than the complied line.
The GR-831 format for an autonomous alarm report is:
<cr lf lf>
^^^sid^date^time <cr lf>
alrmcde^atag^REPT^ALM^[AIDTYPE]<cr lf>
^^^"aid:ntfcncde,condtype,srveff,ocrdat,ocrtm:condscr"<cr lf>
The GR-831 format for an autonomous event report is:
<cr lf lf>
^^^sid^date^time <cr lf>
alrmcde^atag^REPT^EVT<cr lf>
^^^"aid:ntfcncde,condtype,srveff,ocrdat,ocrtm:condscr"<cr lf>
is the source ID, and is the assigned name of the unit sending the message
is the current date in the format: YY-MM-DD
is the current timestamp information in the 24-hour format HH:MM:SS
(Alarm Code) indicates the severity level of the reported alarm or event.
The alarm code is one of these four two-character codes:
*C = critical alarm
** = major alarm
*^ = minor alarm
A^ = non-alarm event
(Alarm Correlation Tag) is a six-digit correlation tag that is incremented
each time a message is sent
(Report) indicates an autonomous report
indicates the cause for the report, such as input signal fault (INP or T1)
or module hardware faults (EQPT)
"response message"
is the response message. The format for the response
message line is:
^^^"[aid]:ntfcncde,condtype,srveff,ocrdat,ocrtm[:condscr]" <cr lf>
(Notification Code) is an optional field that further describes the
alarm or event in an output response or autonomous report, if required.
The notification code is one of these two-character codes: