ATS-6501 Users Guide
GPS Tracking indicator is RED or OFF. Enter the correct position for the
antenna. Use the
status health:gps_error
command to look at the status of the
GPS hardware.
6.2.4 Internal Clocks
If you suspect there may be an issue with the internal clocks use the
status health
status oscillator
commands to look at the status of the internal clocks.
The example below has been edited to show the relevant fields in the system health status
for the clocks.
ATS-6501>status health
[active] false
[occurrences] 0
[active] false
[occurrences] 0
[active] false
[occurrences] 0
[active] false
[occurrences] 0
ATS-6501>status oscillator
[external] locked
[internal] locked
[lns] locked
[locked] true
Users can also check the status of the time scale to ensure the UTC offset value [ptd] is
under +/- 100nSec from UTC and the clock is being steered
ATS-6501>status kas2
[antenna_delay] -1.878000000000000e-08
[frequency] -5.11657633501
[frequency_aging] -1.726953124522067e-06
[phase_error] 6.369868716533948e-09
[ptd] -2.7412538500000002e-09
[steer] -3.2777525484561920e-11
6.2.5 External Reference
If you suspect there may be issues with the external reference use the
status health
status oscillator
commands to look at the status of the external reference and internal clocks.
The example below has been edited to show the relevant fields in the system health status
for the clocks.
ATS-6501>status health