Sylvania SOEMM160-32BGO Instruction Manual Download Page 1



Model: SOEMM160-32BGO

Patent Pending




Find a location for the ethonal fireplace that is 

protected from direct sunlight.


rEAd THis mANuAL cArEFuLLy To LEArN How 

To AssEmBLE, opErATE ANd mAiNTAiN your 

producT propErLy. iT is EssENTiAL THAT you 

or ANy oTHEr opErATor oF THE AppLiANcE 

rEAd ANd uNdErsTANd THE coNTENTs oF THis 


iNFormATioN iN THis mANuAL cAN HELp you ANd 

oTHErs Avoid iNjury ANd producT dAmAgE. 

sTorE THis mANuAL iN A sAFE pLAcE For FuTurE 


This manual identifies potential hazards and has special safety 

messages that help you and others avoid personal injury and 

even death. Danger, Warning and Caution are signal words used 

to identify the level of hazard.

wArNiNg sigNALs A HAzArd THAT mAy cAusE 

sErious iNjury or dEATH iF you do NoT 

FoLLow THE rEcommENdEd prEcAuTioNs.

cAuTioN sigNALs A HAzArd THAT mAy cAusE 

miNor or modErATE iNjury iF you do NoT 

FoLLow THE rEcommENdEd prEcAuTioNs.

However, regardless of the hazard, be extremely careful. 


If you have any problems with this unit or there are missing or 

damaged parts, please call toll free: 1-800-459-4409. DO NOT 


the toll free number above. 

   wArNiNg - do NoT ToucH THE FirEpLAcE 

wHiLE iT is BurNiNg.  ALLow AT LEAsT 15 

miNuTEs To cooL dowN AFTEr THE FLAmE 

is ExTiNguisHEd For ANy rEFiLL / rEsTArT /


    wArNiNg - do NoT smoKE wHiLE HANdLiNg 


   wArNiNg - risK oF FirE ANd BurN iNjury. 

NEvEr pour FuEL iNTo THE BurNiNg FLAmE!

   wArNiNg - ALLow THE BurNEr To cooL 

dowN For AT LEAsT 15 miNuTEs BEForE 

rEFiLLiNg. do NoT pour FuEL iNTo A HoT 


   wArNiNg - KEEp cHiLdrEN ANd ANimALs  

AwAy From THE FirEpLAcE.

   wArNiNg - do NoT sTorE / pLAcE FLAmmABLE 

goods cLosE To FirEpLAcE.

   wArNiNg - FuEL musT BE KEpT A sAFE 

disTANcE  oF AT LEAsT 1m (40 iN) From THE 

FirEpLAcE. do NoT pLAcE FuEL iN FroNT oF 


   wArNiNg - rEsTricT THE usE oF THis producT 

To pErsoNs wHo rEAd, uNdErsTANd ANd 

FoLLow THE wArNiNgs ANd iNsTrucTioNs iN 

THis mANuAL ANd oN THE uNiT.

   wArNiNg - THis AppLiANcE HAs NoT BEEN 

TEsTEd wiTH AN uNvENTEd gAs Log sET.  To 

rEducE risK oF FirE or iNjury, do NoT 



   wArNiNg - THis FirEpLAcE iNsErT cANNoT 



iNsTALLATioN iNsTrucTioNs ANd usE oNLy iN 

THis FirEpLAcE. 

check with your insurance company, landlord or local 

authorities for details and regulations before using the 

The fireplace must only be installed on a solid wall of 

non-flammable material.
The ethanol fire will use oxygen from the air inside 

the room where it is operated. The room should be 

well ventilated with enough oxygen and fresh air being 

supplied (i.e. open windows).




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IA, used under license.

Summary of Contents for SOEMM160-32BGO

Page 1: ...e IT IS burning Allow at least 15 minutes to cool down after the flame is extinguished for any refill restart cleaning maintenance WARNING DO NOT SMOKE WHILE HANDLING FUEL WARNING RISK OF FIRE AND BURN INJURY NEVER POUR FUEL INTO THE BURNING FLAME WARNING Allow the burner to cool down for at least 15 minutes before refilling Do not pour fuel into a hot burner WARNING KEEP CHILDREN AND ANIMALS AWAY...

Page 2: ...fety distance of at least 2 meters 80 inches should be kept from any window and curtain Avoid drafts in the room where the fireplace is located PARTS LIST Ethanol Insert 1 1 Burner holder 1 2 Burner max capacity 800 mL 1 3 Funnel 1 A Top panel 1 B Base panel 1 C Front Panel 1 D Left front panel 1 E Right front panel 1 F Left side panel 1 G Right side panel 1 H Corner panel 1 J Left corner support ...

Page 3: ...3 Product labels WARNING Read understand AND FOLLOW all safety labels and markings on the unit ...

Page 4: ...assembled Step 1 Attach plastic connectors X to Panel C D E F and G as shown in Fig A 2 pcs KD screws for each plastic connectors Attach 2 wood connectors R to panel D and E with 4 KD screws FIG A Step 2 Attach panel D to panel F with 2 KD screws Attach panel E to panel G with 2 KD screws See Fig B FIG B Step 3 Attach panel D and F to base panel B with 2 KD screws Attach panel E and G to base pane...

Page 5: ... unattended near any Ethonal Fireplace The use of wall anchor safety cable is highly recommended in order to reduce the risk of the fireplace being tipped over accidentally 1 Drill a 5 16 in 8 mm hole in the wall Insert the plastic wall anchor into the hole and gently tap until the flange on the anchor is against the wall surface 2 Position the back edge of the mantel close to the wall 3 Attach th...

Page 6: ...nol using lighter through the hole on front glass See Fig 4 FIG 4 5 The flame will ignite slowly and grow to full size in 5 to 10 minutes The flame intensity control knob can be turned clockwise to the maximum position to allow the flame to glow See Fig 5 When the flame glows to full size you can adjust the flame by turning the flame intensity control knob clockwise to maximum or counter clockwise...

Page 7: ...refilling 2 When the burner is cooled down follow the steps in OPERATION section to restart CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE warning THE BURNER MUST BE EXTINGUISHED AND COMPLETELY COOLED DOWN BEFORE ANY CLEANING OR MAINTENANCE CAN BE CARRIED OUT 1 Remove the burner from the drawer 2 Clean the burner with a damp cloth 3 Do not pour water into fuel reservoir It causes moisture water accumulation inside and ...

Page 8: ...nuts into the drilled holes with hammer as shown in Fig D FIG D 4 Attach the plastic connector and lock in place with KD screws as shown in Fig E FIG E Option 2 Use the small l brackets and screws 1 Place the small l bracket to the unit as shown and mark the drill holes on the mantel as shown in Fig F FIG F 2 Drill the holes with diameter 1 16 inches 2 mm and depth 5 16 inches 8 mm on the mantel E...

Page 9: ...d or replaced unit to you freight prepaid The company s sole obligation is to repair or replace the unit This warranty is void if in the opinion of Quality Craft the unit has been tampered with altered misused damaged abused or used with the wrong power source The warranty is for homeowner use only and does not cover units used in commercial situations This warranty covers product defects only Qua...
