SPEED - Manually controls the speed of the tremolo
effect. Turning clockwise increases the speed.
DEPTH - Controls the strength of the tremolo effect.
Clockwise is more prominent.
LEVEL - Controls the overall output volume.
DIVISION - Controls the tempo subdivision used,
typically with the tap footswitch. Available divisions:
Quarter, dotted eighth, eighth, triplet, and sixteenth.
WAVEFORM - Selects between six different wave
types: Sine, triangle, square, ramp up, ramp
down, and stutter (stutter mode acts as a manual morse
code / kill switch where the guitar signal only passes when
the tap switch is pressed).
MIDDLE - Standard stereo tremolo. Left and Right outputs
modulate in sync.
RIGHT - Harmonic mode. Modulates the high
and low signal frequencies out of phase to create
a unique vibrato type sound.
LEFT - Out of phase. This is a ping-pong mode
where the left (mono) output is out of phase and
modulates opposite the right output. This mode is
only noticeable when running in stereo.
Right In
Left In (mono)
Hold both to save favorite
Hold to
Hold to
External Tap
(normally open)
TRS Expression
9V Center Negative
85 mA
Right Out
Left Out (mono)
REV 1.0
VER 1.0