Manual 18-ccTalk
Version 0.6
Page 16
Only after a hopper reset it is set to 0. This counter should be checked each time a dispense
command is transmitted, to check if the command has been received by the hopper. This should
prevent sending too many or too less payout commands resulting in wrong payouts. If the hopper
status event counter in incremented, then check the payout results by checking the coin counters.
[payout coins remaining]
After receiving a hopper dispense command, this counter is set with the number of coins to pay.
Each time a coin is paid, this counter is decremented.
If the payout operation completes successfully or abnormally, this counter will be set to 0.
The Host software should always check this counter if it has become 0. If it has become 0 and the
coins unpaid counter is non-zero, then the dispense procedure has been aborted before all coins were
dispensed. Check with the Hopper Test command if the hopper has timed-out (due to jams or empty).
[last payout: coins paid]
After receiving a hopper dispense command, this counter is set to 0.
Each time a coin is paid, this counter is incremented.
If the payout operation completes successfully, this counter will be equal to the number of coins paid
since the last payout.
[last payout: coins unpaid]
This counter holds the number of coins that failed to payout after the hopper aborted the payout
operation. Since the [payout coins remaining] counter is set to 0 after abnormal termination, this
counter will hold the number of coins unpaid. During a payout, this counter will be set to 0.
CoinsUnpaid is only saved if the power is lost during a payout (abnormal termination).
If the hopper stops due to a payout timeout or emergency stop (normal terminations), then
CoinsUnpaid is cleared. The host machine is responsible for remembering the nr coins unpaid.
Emergency Stop (header 172)
Command : 03 00 01 AC 50
Response : 01 01 03 00 00 FB
The data byte in the response holds the number of unpaid coins since the dispensing was aborted by
the Emergency Stop command. Store this result in the machine's non-volatile memory for use after
power recovery.
If the hopper is running and a power failure occurs, this command can be used to stop the hopper
motor and save the hopper status in case of a power failure. Note that a coin may be stuck in the coin
exit port if the power fails just before a coin enters the coin exit port. Since the power is gone, the
hopper will not be able to eject this coin. After power up, transmit a dispense command within 333ms
after a reset command to eject this coin, before the opto sensor generates an opto blocked error
Sending this command during a power down may be difficult to implement. Ensure that the ccTalk
interface is still operating during a power down and that there is enough communication time to send
the command. If this is not possible or impractical, do not use the command.
If the hopper was running during a power failure and the emergency stop command could not be
issued, then the hopper will stop and save it's status as soon as the power dips below 8V during 20ms
when the power supply is 12V and below 18V during 20ms when the power supply is 24V.
The time to save all coin counters in EEProm memory may take up to 90ms. If a coin is ejected during
this EEProm update moment (possible, because the coin can already be in the coin exit port if the
power fails), then this coin will not be saved in EEprom. The result will be an overpay of 1 coin.
Therefore, if possible, use the Emergency Stop command to stop the hopper during a power failure,
before the hopper stops due to it's own power failure detection mechanism.
In order to be sure that no payout fraud will be possible by unplugging the power of the machine
during a payout, it may be wise to decrement the number of coins to be paid by 1 after power