Sutron Corporation Satlink Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 8.04.2 11/3/2016 pg. 31
Connecting Strain Gauges
Strain gauges connect to SL3 to the C, D or E channels as shown below.
The key settings for strain gauge sensors are:
Measurement Type: Analog
Analog type: Diff C, D or E
Input Range: 39mV or 312mV (**no bias needed)
Slope: as needed to scale the reading.
Programmable Excitation References
The built-in excitation reference voltage in SL3-1 is 2.5 volts available on pins 26 and 30. SL3-1
also supports a programmable excitation reference voltage via an optional plug in card. This may
be used in addition to or instead of the 2.5VREF when you need a different excitation voltage for
a sensor.
The optional card (Sutron part 6461-1328) can be plugged into either Option port 1 or 2.
The outputs have a range of 0 to 5VDC. The desired output is set via the menu on the options