Surveon CAM4160
Date & Time
Date and time settings can be accessed at General> Date & Time.
Current Date & Time displays the current system date and time.
Time Zone Settings
The time zone can be set using the dropdown menu. This menu is only
applicable when selectable when Synchronize with NTP Server is chosen
under Time Settings.
Time Settings
There are 3 ways to set the system time:
Synchronize with NTP server - NTP is a protocol for synchronizing the
system clock to an external server. If this option is chosen, enter the
IP address of a known NTP server in the NTP Server field. You must
also choose the appropriate time zone under Time Zone Settings.
Manual update - Updates the time manually. Choose the appropriate
date and enter a time for the system.
Synchronize with computer time - Synchronizes the time with the
computer’s internal clock.
Click OK to save or Cancel to abort the changes before you leave the page.