SC-TDC-1000 S Series Manual | Surface Concept GmbH
4.2 Layout of the SC-TDC-1000 S Series
1. BNC Sockets for Stop Inputs (R012, 013 & 022), LEMO Sockets for Stop Inputs (R042)
2. BNC Socket for Start Input (R012, 013 & 022), LEMO Socket for Start Input (R042)
3. BNC Sockets for Device Synchronization Signal IN and OUT
4. Power switch to turn the TDC ON/OFF. Lighted, when set to ON
5. Power Socket
6. USB Connection Socket
Figure 3: Layout of the SC-TDC-1000/08S R012-10
Additional inputs (e.g. TAG or ADC) are available (sub-R E8) to feed in additional signals directly into the
TDC data stream for extended measurement functionality.
The TDC data streaming can be performed with a specific pre-conditioning of the DLD data, which includes
channel pairing, pair result arithmetic and many more. Communication to and from the PC is achieved via
a USB interface. Data streaming via the USB interface is provided without losses using a large memory
buffer within the device.