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For specific dB signal measurements, use the methods below.
Apple iPhones: Dial *3001#12345#* and press Call to enter test mode and identify your signal in dB instead of bars.
Android devices: download the app “Network Signal Info” in the Google Play store.
Step 2. Install the Outside Antenna
After identifying the area of strongest signal, choose the surface where you will mount your outside antenna.
The location should allow for sufficient separation between the outside antenna and inside antenna. Vertical separation is
preferred as it is more effective than horizontal separation.
The minimum separating distance recommended is 25 vertical feet; however, increased separation, up to 40 - 50 ft, may be
needed, especially where vertical separation cannot be achieved.
Outside Yagi Antenna
Before installing a Yagi, or directional antenna, note that the antenna should be
mounted on a pole or pipe (not provided), at the highest possible location above
the roofline – at least 25 ft above the indoor antenna – aimed in the direction of
your nearest cell tower. To find the location of your carrier’s closest cell tower,
go to www.antennasearch.com.
Ensure that the mounting area has at least a 3 ft radius clear of obstructions,
other radiating elements and metal objects such as pipes or metal siding and
orient the antenna with the drip hole at the bottom.
Once you have identified your install location, assemble the u-bolt, bracket, nuts
and washers onto a pole (available separately) as shown in the illustration. Keep
the connections loose enough to allow the antenna to rotate until the optimum direction is found.
Once the outside antenna is secured to a pipe or pole, connect antenna to one end of the provided RG-11 cable and tighten
the connection. Run the cable along route to planned location of your booster.
Antenna Separation
Warning: Do not collocate antennas or operate the outdoor antenna with any other antenna
or signal booster.
Yagi Antenna Assembly
Drip Hole
RG-11 Cable