SureCall | 1-888-365-6283 | [email protected] | www.surecall.com
Thank you for purchasing SureCall’s Force5 2.0 voice and 4G LTE cellular booster kit with
built-in Sentry. Force5 2.0 was specifically designed to eliminate frustrations over dropped calls
and slow 4G data along with the ability to monitor and adjust booster performance off site.
If you have any questions during setup, please reach out to our US-based experienced
support technicians:
Watch installation, optimiza-
tion and troubleshooting
techniques in our SureCall
University YouTube channel
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things SureCall
How It Works
SureCall’s Force5 2.0 cellular boosting function uses a high-quality bidirectional signal booster
that enhances signals to areas that are prone to weak cellular coverage. It works with two
types of antennas:
1) An outdoor antenna that communicates with the cell tower.
2) A set of Indoor antennas that communicate with your mobile devices.
Signals sent from a cell tower are received by the outdoor antenna, amplified by the booster
and then sent to your phone via the indoor antennas. When your phone transmits, the signal is
sent to the indoor antennas, and then sent to the cell tower via the outdoor antenna.
How It Works
b) Two indoor antenna option
a) Four Indoor antenna option
Outdoor Antenna
Indoor Antennas