5.0 Operation
- 51 -
Supervisory heartbeat signal protocol (1)
Protocol ID
Receiver number (RR is set in SG-CPM5 option [408])
Space character
Supervisory signal
Terminator, 14 Hex
This signal is used to supervise the communication between the receiver and computer automation. It is sent to the computer automation every 30
seconds and is programmable from the receiver. The computer automation should acknowledge this signal with an [ACK]. The SG-CPM5 can be pro-
grammed to send a heartbeat signal to the computer automation once every 01-99 seconds to test the connection between the SG-CPM5 and the com-
puter automation (30 seconds is recommended). If a heartbeat fails to get a response from the computer automation, the SG-CPM5 immediately
transmits the heartbeat again, up to four attempts. The SG-System 5, by default, outputs the automation signals via TCP/IP. If TCP/IP fails, the auto-
mation signal is output to the next automation slot.
5.4.7 SIA internal status output
The SG-CPM5/DRL5-IP generates internal events to the printer and automation such as troubles. Automation message formats are listed below. A full
list of internal events for the printer/automation is listed in Appendix D - "Events & Messages"
Protocol ID
Programmed receiver number (SG-CPM5 option [408] or SG-DRL5-IP option [111])
Line card number (Channel 1 [112], Channel 2 [113], Channel 3 [114])
000 signifies a SG-CPM5 Event.
SG-System 5 account.
SIA Event
Terminator, 14 Hex
5.4.8 Line card addressing
Line card status is reported via physical addressing. Slot number is assigned automatically to each line card. All device status information is in Sur-Gard
format. The reporting of status on this port, automation output and printer relates to physical addressing.
5.5 Operation - LCD user interface
5.5.1 Bootup
While the SG-CPM5 is booting up, a splash screen with the System 5 logo is displayed.