P9DSU-C Motherboard User’s Manual
No Video
1. If the power is on, but you do not have video, remove all the add-on cards
and cables.
2. If BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) heartbeat is not detected, please
check the power supply and make sure that it is properly connected.
Difficulty in Booting Up the System
If you experience difficulty in system boot, please refer to IBM's boot_flow document
posted on Github's website at
. Please also refer to Appendix A for more
Losing the System’s Setup Configuration
1. Make sure that system date and time is restored to 1996/01/01 00:00:01.
2. The battery on your motherboard may be old. Check to verify that it still sup-
plies ~3VDC. If it does not, replace it with a new one.
If the steps indicated above do not fix the Setup Configuration problem, con
tact your vendor for repairs.
When the System Becomes Unstable
A. When the system becomes unstable during or after OS installation, check
the following:
Processor PNOR support: Make sure that your processor is supported, and
you have the latest PNOR installed in your system.
2. Memory support: Make sure that the memory modules are supported by test-
ing the modules using memtest86 or a similar utility.
: Refer to the product page on our website http:\\www.supermicro.
com for memory and processor support and updates.
3. HDD support: Make sure that all hard disk drives (HDDs) work properly. Re-
place the bad HDDs with good ones.