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Page 1: ...USER MANUAL Follow us ScanQRcodeto downloade user manual SUPERSOCO World www supersoco com...
Page 2: ...measuresof TC MAX smartelectric bikes 3 Be fullyawareof warninglabelsof TC MAX smartelectric bikes 4 Do notdisassembletheelectric bike and partswithoutpermission Please contactcustomerservice departme...
Page 3: ...of rainandsnow thebrakingdistance shallbeincreased Payattentiontoslowingdownthespeed Tryto avoidtravelingas muchas possible in inclementweather condition 7 Wearsafety equipment such as helmet andappr...
Page 4: ...r sservice center a Checkthepowercircuit lightingcircuitstatuesetc b Checkwhetherthefrontandrearbrakesworkproperly c Checkthehandlebarandthefrontandrearwheels xing d Checkthetirepressure e Checkthebel...
Page 5: ...2 1 1 1 Spannerfor mirrors 1 2 Quick Start Keys Mirrrors User manual Charger QUICK START 01 PARTS INSPECTION 4...
Page 6: ...02 INSTALL BATTERYPACK 1 Openstorage takeout cover 2 Putbatterypackagein 3 Connectpowerplug 4 Switcho killswitch put seat back Putstorage coverbackand close storage 5 QUICK START...
Page 7: ...Press UNLOCK onremote control POWER buttonon Puthelmeton 4 Press Power poweron 2 3 GetonTC MAX kickside stand out 5 Press Parking button unpackingTC MAX parking symbolo 6 Turnacceleratorgently TC MAX...
Page 8: ...netomanageandqueryyourTC MAX OnlyIOSandAndroid arecurrentlyavailable now pleasecon rmyoursmartphoneoperatingsysteminadvance IOSsystem APPonlysupportAppleISO9 0systemandabove Androidsystem APPonly supp...
Page 9: ...DescriptionofComponentsandParts Operation guide 12 Riding guider 09 17 Batteryuseinstruction 20 Appinstruction 23 Maintenance 24 FAQ Troubleshooting 25 CONTENTS 8...
Page 10: ...brake lever Talllamp Left handlebarswitchassy BatteryWinker SIDE VIEW Rear mirror Brakedisc Motor Electronicsidestand FOC vectorcontrollerRearbrake Spoke type aluminumrimlever Brakecylinder Accelerato...
Page 11: ...temperature 3 Totalmileage Displaythetotalmileage 3 4 4 Controller temperature Displaythetemperatureunder current operatingconditions 7 7 Gear Display Displaycurrentdrivinggear 5 Power display bar 6...
Page 12: ...seconds start thebacklightforspeedometer and headlight Change between KM Mile and KM P MPH Innormalmode pressitlongerthan8 seconds thenrelease Pressitlessthan2 seconds changeindications andkeep thesta...
Page 13: ...lowbeam switch Upposition highbeamon Down position lowbeamon 3 Right switch Press hornon release horno 2 Winkerswitch 2 A LEFT SWITCH Turntoleft leftwinkeron Turntoright rightwinkeron 3 1 OPERATION GU...
Page 14: ...according to environment Remark The frontlightalwaysonatEEC state B RIGHT SWITCH 1 3 Parkingswitch Press lighton TC MAX atparking position Pressagain TC MAX readytoride 2 Mode switch TC MAX issetwith3...
Page 15: ...OWER poweron pressagain powero POWER ash lockedstatus POWER continuouslyon stand by status Redcirclecontinuouslyon TC MAX readytoride C REMOTO CONTROL TC MAX usesecondgenerationsmartremotecontrol with...
Page 16: ...rlock andturnthekeytoright position handlebarlocked 2 Putthekeyinhandlebarlock turnthekeytoleftposition handlebarunlocked h STORAGE SEAT 1 Putkeyinstorage seatlock turnkeytorightdirection whenhearsoun...
Page 17: ...normalsituationorshortcircuit killswitchwillstopthe connectionbetweenbatteryandTC MAX automatically forsafety reason TIPS Foryourownsafety pleaseputkillswitchat OFF position A Beforetakingoutbatterypa...
Page 18: ...ebarisstableand exiblewhenturning 2 Whethertherightandleftswitchesonthehandlebarcan workproperlyornot 3 Whethertheacceleratorcanworkproperlyornot 4 Makesurethetyrepressureisconnect Therecommendedtirep...
Page 19: ...s UNLOCK onremote control POWER continuously on 2 Puton helmet 3 RidingTC kickoutside stand 4 Press POWER poweron 5 Press Parking button unpackingTC MAX parking symbolo 6 Turnthrottlegently TC MAX run...
Page 20: ...dangerous pleasedon trestartthebikewhenitstillrunningorinthe middleoftheroad c NOTICE 1 Aftertheridingstart itshouldaccelerateslowlytoavoidexcessivestartingcurrentcausedbyinstanta neousrapidaccelerati...
Page 21: ...harged Greenlighton Error Redlight greenlightblink a CHARGING ON BOARD 1 ConnectthechargertoTC MAX chargingport 2 Connectthechargerwithpowersupply duringnormalcharging redlightkeepson 3 Whenfullycharg...
Page 22: ...terypackinto re 6 Forbiddentostrongimpactandpressonbatterypack 7 Mustuseo cialcharger forbiddentouseanyotherchargertochargebatterypack 8 Beforedelivery batterypackalreadypassedqualitychecking forbidde...
Page 23: ...ursis enough Disconnect the batteryfrombikewhenstoringthem Storeindryventilatedplace at leastcharge4 hourseach2 months 2 Batterypackandchargerneedtobestoredinclean dryventilatedplace avoidconnectwithc...
Page 24: ...main function 1 Bikestatus self inspect withonebuttonoperationandunderstandingbikestatusinrealtime 2 Multiplesecurity Thealarmwillwarn atthesametimeSUPER SOCO APPwillsendyouannoti cation andlocatethe...
Page 25: ...acturer b DAILY CLEAN AND MAINTENANCE Cleaning Pleaseusecleanwaterandneutraldetergenttocleanit andusesoft clothsandspongestocleanthesurface itis prohibitedtousemetalbrushes sandpaperortheliketocleanit...
Page 26: ...rerror 1 Lowbattery power 2 FlatTyre 3 Heavily overloaded 1 Poorcontactofcharger plug 2 Usedwrongcharger 3 Batteryagingornormalscrap 1 Chargethebattery 2 Pumpupthetyre checktyrepressurebeforeriding 3...
Page 27: ...alerserviceor dealer Error 93 on speedometer Charging overcurrent error Pleasestopchargingandcheckthecharger Error 92 on speedometer Charging overvoltage error Pleasestopchargingandcheckthecharger Err...
Page 28: ...warmindoorplaceandwait fora while Error 88 on speedometer Batterydischarginglowtemperature Pleasemovethebiketowarmindoorplaceandwait fora while Error 87 on speedometer Networkconnection error Pleasemo...
Page 29: ...ensionincases thatthebeltisexposedtorain cleanedin24 hoursorrunninginworkingtempera turewithin4 hours Beforebelttensiontesting pleaseallowthebikecooldowntoroomtemperature ifthebelthasbeenrunning over5...
Page 30: ...terydischarginglow temperature Batterydischargingovercurrent error Batteryovertemperatureerror Batterycommunicationerror ECU controllerandalarm components takepowerfrom batteryautomatically normal phe...
Page 31: ...vertage Inthe charging process the internal current of the charger is too high produce large amountof heat The metal shell can e ectively dissipate heat which willlead to the high temperature of thesh...
Page 32: ...and after Before and after the disc brake wear Front axle nutfastening 59 Tighten the rear flat fork nut 59 Rear wheel axelnut 88 Front shock boltfastening Upper 22 Lower 32 Rear shockbolt fastening...
Page 33: ...32 SOCO wish you a happyvoyage DownloadAPP BindAPP...