Sun Fire X4150 Server Product Notes • February 2010
1. Select Preferences - > Keyboard from the desktop menu.
2. Uncheck the selection: keyboard repeats when key is held down.
Mounting a Virtual USB Drive in RHEL5
1. Edit the file
2. Search for the following string: "
<match key="volume.fsusage" string=
", which precedes the following commands:
<append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type=
<append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type=
<append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type="strlist">umask=
<append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type="strlist">uid=
3. Enter the following below the commands listed in step 2:
<!-- Added for the issue that virtual ISO image can’t be
shown -->
<!-- as an icon when this virtual device is inserted to REHL5
system -->
<match key="@block.storage_device:storage.vendor" string=
<match key="@block.storage_device:storage.model" string=
<match key="info.category" string="volume">
<match key="block.is_volume" bool="true">
<match key="volume.fsusage" string="">
<merge key="volume.fsusage" type="string">filesystem</merge>
<merge key="volume.fstype" type="string">iso9660</merge>