Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server Release Notes
Network Boot and Installation Support
Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) boot is the supported method for Solaris™
boot and installation over the network. Solaris "netinstall" is not supported, as
there is no realmode Gigabit Ethernet driver.
Note –
For those familiar with using JumpStart™ installation scripts with Solaris
"netinstall" on other x86 platforms, Solaris JumpStart installation scripts can be
invoked using PXE boot.
When you boot the Device Configuration Assistant (DCA) from either a hard
drive or floppy drive or CD, choose only DISK or CD entries from the Boot Solaris
menu. Any NET options that display on the screen do not work. If you want to
install from the network, use the PXE method.
When using the BIOS information screen during PXE configuration, use the Esc
key (instead of F12) to initiate PXE boot. This method will prompt you to select
which Ethernet port should be used to complete PXE boot operation.
If the Esc key is used to initiate the PXE boot, it displays Ethernet ports in the
following order: The physical top port, marked 2, which corresponds to
e1000g1; then the physical bottom port, marked 1, which corresponds to
If the F12 key is used to initiate the PXE boot, the BIOS interface does not give
the user an opportunity to choose the Ethernet port for the PXE boot operation.
When using the Device Configuration Assistant (DCA) to configure Solaris, the
Boot Solaris menu displays Ethernet ports in the following order:
The physical bottom port, marked 1, which corresponds to e1000g0.
The physical top port, marked 2, which corresponds to e1000g1.
When selecting the Ethernet port in the
DCA Boot Solaris menu during PXE
installation, take care to select the same port that you chose in the Boot
Selection menu of the BIOS when setting up the client for PXE install. If you
choose an invalid Ethernet port, the DCA will fail with the following message:
Loading Driver e1000g.bef.
You will then need to reboot and choose an appropriate Ethernet port next time.