Chapter 1
The exhaust sensor measures the local air temperature at the trailing edge of the
board for systems with bottom-to-top airflow. This value depends on the character
and volume of the airflow across the board. Typical values in a chassis might range
from a delta over inlet ambient of 0˚C to 12˚C, depending on the power dissipation
of the board configuration and the position in the chassis. The exhaust sensor is
nonlinear with respect to ambient inlet temperature.
The inlet sensor measures the local air temperature at the leading edge of the board
under the solder-side cover. This value typically can range from a reading of 0˚C to
13˚C above inlet system ambient in a chassis. You must understand the application
and installation of the board to use this temperature sensor.
A sudden drop of all temperature sensors close to or near room ambient temperature
can mean loss of power to one or more Netra CP3010 boards.
A gradual increase in the delta temperature from inlet to outlet can be due to dust
clogging system filters.
The CPU diode temperature can be used to prevent damage to the board by shutting
the board down if this sensor exceeds predetermined limits.