7.5 ORGA Metering Setup Overview
Up to 8m working widths it is recommended to operate the Orga metering unit with the nylon insert fitted
for small seeds and cereals in order to prevent potential minor seedrate output fluctuations when drilling
on gradients.
When drilling fertilizer, peas, beans and other similarly large and hard seeds, the insert should be
removed. In this circumstance, the void is critical to allow smooth seed flow.
7.6 Folding the Drill
The correct procedure to fold the DTS in order to prevent the seed hoses from being kinked is to firstly;
lift the wings to almost vertical, then fold the wings round to parallel with the chassis, then pull the
coulter units in-bound and finally, drop the wings down into the rest cups.
Notch1 (fully closed)
The nylon insert fits in the void between
the Orga flighting and the outer housing.
Outer housing
Choke slide
Orga flighting.
Orga insert.
Securing bolt points