Sturtevant Richmont
3203 N. Wolf Road
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Phones: 847/455-8677 800/877-1347 Fax: 847/455-0347
Operating Instructions
Micrometer Adjustable Torque Wrench Series (SDR, SD, & CCM Models)
Sturtevant Richmont
micrometer adjustable torque wrenches are designed & manufactured to provide consistent and
rapid user-selectable torque in a variety of manufacturing and maintenance operations. They meet or exceed ASME
B107.14M and ISO 6789. These wrenches are accurate to +/- 4% of indicated value from 20% to 100% of capacity.
The Ratchet and Square Drive tools operate & deliver torque in one direction only, as indicated by the arrow on
the case (Figure 1). The wrench will not indicate torque but can be used in the reverse direction, provided you do not
exceed the rated capacity of the wrench. The Dovetail series can be used in either direction with the same accuracy by
removing the head and turning the wrench 180 degrees.
To set the desired torque:
The case (Figures 1 & 2) is engraved with graduations (major scale) and the aluminum grip with increments
(minor scale). The torque setting is the sum of the largest graduation below the end of the aluminum grip plus the
increment aligned with the centerline of the graduations. One complete revolution of the grip is equal to one graduation
on the major scale.
To set the desired torque, rotate the grip lock (Figure 3) in the unlock direction until the grip can be readily rotated.
Next, grasp the case firmly with one hand and rotate the rubber grip clockwise (CW) to increase torque or counter-
clockwise (CCW) to decrease torque. Once the desired torque has been set, lock the grip lock by rotating it in the lock
direction until it stops. Recheck torque to confirm proper setting.
To use the torque wrench:
1) Attach appropriate fastener engagement device (socket, S/R interchangeable head, etc.) to the wrench.
: It is
imperative the fastener engagement device maintain the same lever length as was used during calibration. Failure to
maintain lever length will cause applied torque to differ from set torque.
2) Engage the fastener while holding the wrench perpendicular to the axis of the fastener.
3) Grip the center of the vinyl grip and with a steady force pull in the direction of the arrow on the case.
4) Continue to pull the wrench until an audible/tactile impulse (the “click”) is experienced.
5) Stop pulling immediately to prevent over torquing.
Always store wrench in a clean dry environment.
Do Not
immerse wrench in cleaning fluids. It is further suggested that if
the wrench is to sit idle for very long periods of time it should be set
to its lowest setting.
Calibration Instructions
Required Equipment:
Torque analyzer or tester accurate to 1% of indicated value or better, four (4) hex keys (5/64”,
3/32”, 5/32”, & 5/16”), and a torch*. *Required only if solder used on grip lock or access screw.
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 2