Sturtevant Richmont PM-36 Operating And Calibration Instructions Download Page 1

Sturtevant Richmont 

3203 N. Wolf Road 

Franklin Park, IL   60131 

Phones:  847/455-8677   800/877-1347  Fax:  847/455-0347 

[email protected]



Operating and Calibration Instructions – PM-36 Preset Torque Screwdriver 

The PM-36 Preset torque screwdriver is designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the ASME 
B107.14M and ISO 6789 specifications.  The accuracy specifications are: 

+/- 6% of indicated value from 20% to 100% of capacity 
+/- 1.2% of full scale below 20% of capacity 

The PM-36 is bi-directional; it can be used in either the CW or CCW direction.  The capacity of the 
tool is from 7 inch-pounds to 36 inch-pounds, or metric equivalent.  The torque can be preset within 
this range using any unit of torque measurement.  Unless otherwise specified, the screwdriver is 
shipped preset to the bottom of the range. 

Presetting/Calibration Instructions 

Equipment Required:   A torque analyzer capable of indicating applied torque with an accuracy of +/- 
1% or better within the operating range of the screwdriver. 


1)  Remove plastic cap from back of screwdriver. 
2)  Determine torque setting to which the screwdriver is to be set. 
3)  Place screwdriver into test position on torque analyzer.  
4)  Rotate screwdriver and determine torque at which screwdriver “clicks” (audible & tactile impulse 

emitted).  Use at least 3 readings to determine torque. 

5)  Compare current setting to desired setting. 

a)  If adjustment is required, go to next step. 
b)  If adjustment is not required, go to step 7. 

6)  Adjust torque setting. 

a)  Raise torque adjustment key from locked position. 
b)  To raise torque setting, rotate torque adjustment key clockwise. 
c)  To lower torque setting, rotate torque adjustment key counterclockwise. 
d)  Fold torque adjustment key to locked position. 
e)  Return to step 4. 

7)  Replace plastic cap. 
