Preventative Maintenance
All fasteners secure
Siderails move and latch properly
Engage the brake pedal and push on the stretcher to ensure all casters lock securely
All casters secure and swiveling properly
Body restraints working properly
I.V. pole intact and operating properly
Oxygen bottle holder intact and operating properly
Fowler operates and latches properly
Trendelenburg/Reverse Trendelenburg operating properly
No rips or cracks in mattress cover
Transfer boards intact and operating properly
Ground chain intact
No leaks at hydraulic connections
Hydraulic jacks holding properly
Hydraulic drop rate set properly
Hydraulic oil level sufficient
Lubricate where required
Accessories and mounting hardware in good condition and working properly
Serial No. ______________
Completed By:_________________________________ Date:_____________
Preventative maintenance should be performed at a minimum of annually. A preventative maintenance pro-
gram should be established for all Stryker Medical equipment. Preventative maintenance may need to be
performed more frequently based on the usage level of the product.